Uber Offers Drivers Free Tablets to Earn More from Ad Revenue Share

 Uber Offers Drivers Free Tablets to Earn More from Ad Revenue Share

The ride-hailing company Uber is offering free tablets to help their drivers earn more from ad revenue share.

Free Tablets for Uber Drivers

Uber is offering in-car tablets for eligible drivers who use the Uber platform. With an in-car tablet, drivers could expect to earn a revenue share for any non-Uber ads displayed to riders on a trip. Uber also hopes that the on-screen tip reminders presented to riders will help increase the tips given to drivers.

uber offers drivers free tablets to earn more from ad

Who gets the tablets?

The in-car tablets are available to drivers who complete an average of 300 rides per month. Drivers must also maintain a minimum 4.84 star rating and have been driving on Uber for a minimum of three months. The vehicle must have an adjustable headrest and a USB charging point.

Do they cost anything?

In-car tablets are free for eligible drivers who meet the above criteria. No security payment is required, nor is any other payment. Drivers who stop using the Uber platform must return the tablet. Uber will provide a free return box and shipping label.

What’s shown on the tablets?

Riders will be shown a combination of advertisements based on the destination of their trip and personalized content. The ads will be similar to those riders see in the Uber app. Content may include the status of their Uber trip, the profile of the driver, nearby attractions, and other information designed to improve the in-vehicle experience.

What’s in it for the drivers? What do they earn?

Having a free Uber tablet installed in their car can help drivers earn additional revenue share for any non-Uber ads displayed to riders on a trip. Uber also hopes that on-screen tip reminders will increase the amount that drivers receive in tips.

More information on the in-car tablets for Uber drivers can be viewed here.

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Image: Depositphotos

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